Dec 12, 2024

Get more out of your team: Start effective knowledge management today

Get more out of your team: Start effective knowledge management today

Setting up a workable Knowledge Management system often seems like a harder job for accountants, lawyers and notaries than it actually is (or should be). Thanks to a customized guidance program, including general but also very specific training courses, we at Knowlex do everything we can to make valuable (internal) expertise pay off to the maximum.

Our customer base includes offices of varying sizes, but also with various domains or fields of work. The guidance process that is set up is therefore highly dependent on the specific needs. In what follows, we will take you through Knowlex's way of working, including a concrete development within the VGD knowledge office.

Phase 1) Getting acquainted by getting acquainted

A crucial element in organizing successful internal knowledge management takes place when you get to know the office, the so-called “structure meeting”. During this time, among other things, the office's work processes are being mapped out. The information we collect is fundamental in order to later be able to perfectly align the structure of the final Knowlex environment with the general way the office works. In this way, we create a customized environment.

Phase 2) Training and guidance

After building a customized digital environment, the next (logical) step is to let employees get to know the functionalities and possibilities of the platform. Through a specific training of 30 to 45 minutes, the entire office is immersed in optimized knowledge management. In addition to explaining the functionalities, concrete tips and success stories from other offices are also shared. Of course, such a session can be organized several times (or digitally).

Phase 3) (Non-Stop) Support

In the first months of the collaboration, we intensify support by contacting us at regular intervals and checking how things are going. If adjustments or adjustments to the Knowlex environment are necessary, we can respond to them immediately. In addition, Knowlex users can contact us at any time via our help center or our so-called “blue button”. Via the “blue button”, they are in direct contact with one of our employees. If they have questions about the platform, they receive immediate answers so that they can continue working smoothly.

Phase 4) (new) introduction or refreshment

When offices use the platform for a while, there has sometimes been a turnover in the workforce. That is why we organize an annual training session to help new employees find their way around Knowlex. Of course, employees who need to refresh the countless functionalities are also welcome.

Case: VGD guidance process

Let's fast-track back to March 2020. In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, it was important for VGD that all employees could rely on (endless) office expertise from home. Initially, only VGD's Tax department started working with Knowlex. Within that department, employees shared and centralized their documents.

Due to the new reality that Covid 19 brought with it, it was important for Anthony Meul — partner at VGD — to switch more quickly and suddenly around 300 accountants were using Knowlex. Onboarding at the time went very smoothly - especially considering circumstances where physical meetings were out of the question - through intensive digital support.

Today, more than 350 employees use Knowlex and we are a few years later. Especially after a follow-up meeting with Thomas Machtelinckx, IT manager at VGD, we therefore thought it would be useful to develop a new training program. In this way, all VGD employees - both “old” and new - get the opportunity to make maximum use of the office expertise. In cooperation with Thomas, various sessions were organized and we visited various locations. Later this year, training courses will be organized, both on location and digitally, to continue to systematically improve a crucial element of VGD - internal knowledge management.

This guidance is very important, not only because employees come and go, but also because Knowlex itself continues to innovate. Over the past few years, we have developed several new features that may not be sufficiently known to all our users. Through such specific training sessions, the internal knowledge management of all offices that work with Knowlex (and therefore their expertise) can be sustainably optimized.

Artuur Engelen

Artuur Engelen

As a Customer Success Hero and knowledge expert, Artuur plays a crucial role in supporting customers in making the most of Knowlex. Knowledge Management is his passion and he likes to turn this passion into impact for professionals.